Gay Weddings

What is it with people??? (Caution: rant ahead)

A few months ago one of my bridesmaids (who is much closer to my partner than me) sent me a message on FB saying that her two teenage daughters, their respective kidlets, their "boy toys," and some random girl who was living with them would be coming to the wedding as well.

Ummm...hello? I didn't invite them. There's a reason I didn't invite them. Not only do I not want their small children or their unnamed "boy toys" at my wedding, I don't even know most of these people! I was aghast that she had the gall to just invite 7 additional people to a wedding that is already strained by budget and room (we're having both the ceremony and reception in our church, which is not large by any means). I pulled myself together before politely explaining the situation and suggested we all get together after our honeymoon for a small celebration. That appeased her.

Today, I get a message from one of her friends: "Just tell me when and where and me, my husband, and kid will be there!" Um...hello? I don't even KNOW YOU! Again, I had to go through the whole rigamarole. Honestly, do people not realize that weddings are expensive and there is a certain etiquette involved? I'm thrilled that they are supportive and want to be there for us but I can't invite the whole world. We're closing in on 120 guests as it is and everytime I try to cut it down we think of one more that we can't NOT invite!

Seriously, eloping to Las Vegas sounds like a better idea all the time. Yikes!
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Re: What is it with people??? (Caution: rant ahead)

  • 2dBride2dBride member
    2500 Comments Fourth Anniversary 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    If only you could get legally married in Las Vegas...  I do sympathize, though.  One of the side benefits of our having to get married in Massachusetts was that we could explain regretfully to any uninvited guests, "Oh, but I don't want to drag you 8 hours away for a Tuesday afternoon wedding!"
  • edited December 2011
    My goodness! I've never heard of anything like that! I would never even invite myself to a party, nevermind a wedding!!!!

    People never cease to amaze me.


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  • Fabi&NitaFabi&Nita member
    edited December 2011
    I agree with PP
    Sorry your having to stress about this.
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  • jmred12jmred12 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    Exactly why we are having a destination wedding.

    We figure it will cut down on all the 'polite' explanations :)

  • edited December 2011
    I had to laugh-not at your situation but in recognition. My former S-I-L just assumed she was invited...nope. Honestly, I don't have any suggestions for avoiding this situation I think it's because people tend to be more casual about weddings these days...Guess we'll all have to develop the "elevator explanation"  (the 1 minute paragraph) for times like this. Good luck-D.
  • chrmunchrmun member
    edited December 2011
    This week, I had friend of a friend say, "OMG! I can totally be a bridesmaid!" 
    Um, what?!  She's not even going to be invited to the wedding!
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