I had a friend visit me yesterday to inform me that one of my "bridesmen" (our party is mixed male/female) is planning some sort of dance for our wedding reception. She isn't exactly sure what type of dance he is going to perform, but I know how he dances since I am constantly telling him I'm not trying to have sex with him on the dance floor. This makes me very - scared and nervous.
Besides the "who knows what type of dance he's going to perform" anxiety, I am also worried that it will bore the guests. We already have our first dance, father daughter/mother daughter dance (we're splitting the song) and our wedding party is doing a dance together. Already we have too many dances, and I just don't know how to go about approaching him about my reservations. From my conversation I gathered he is very excited and I don't want to hurt his feelings by telling him he can't do it...but I really don't want him to.
Since we still have a while to go, maybe he'll simply forget about it himself. I'd thought of casually bringing up the dances already planned and hope that he gets the picture on his own.