Gay Weddings

What to Say to People Who Don't Get It

Here's a link to a FAQ/Gay Wedding Etiquette page we wrote to diplomatically handle all the questions that our guests have about gay weddings. We've gotten such positive feedback from all kinds of people saying how helpful it is, so I realized that I need to share it with you guys:

The backstory:
My partner is a minister and comes from a very conservative, small town family. In a past life she went to a conservative seminary and has conservative friends. We knew people were going to have a hard time understanding, but it was important to us to invite them and to at least reach out in hospitality.

We've had unexpected success, and I think the key to this has been making a wedding website here on The Knot, especially the FAQ/Gay Wedding Etiquette page. It has helped A LOT. We printed the web address and a short description on a fancy business card and included that in the Save-the-Dates. Since a lot of people on the list weren't sure what to make of us, the FAQ was a chance to do a lot of educating without having to have the same conversations a million times! There are also a lot of people who probably just wouldn't ever ask and would never understand otherwise, but they WERE curious enough to pull up the website and read what we had to say. As a result people are getting really excited, even more than we expected, and I think a lot of them think it's kind of neat that they get to go to a gay wedding.

I encourage you to read the FAQ for ideas on how to approach pushback or even to share it as is if you think it would help. We've had people forward it to friends and people we don't even know to help them understand, so feel free to share!

FAQ/Gay Wedding Etiquette:

Good luck with wedding planning!


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