I already posted this in the honeymoon area but I may get more feedback here (I didn't know this board existed). I am having a Destination Wedding in Jamaica. When booking our wedding, we asked about same-sex couples (one of our guests is openly gay and bringing her girlfriend) and the travel agent said that it would be fine and although our resort is meant for boy/girl couples only, she knows ways around it. With that being said, we thought it would be great and that we were in the clear. Guests that plan on attending the wedding are obviously going to look into any concerns they may have by looking them up on the internet before making up their mind.... which leads to my predicament-- Apparently Jamaica isn't gay-friendly?? Now my guest is all freaked out and debating whether or not to even come to the wedding! She's scared to death! After she brought this to my attention I googled it as well (but you can't rely on google for everything) and I read mixed reviews. A lot of them said that if you stay on the resort it will be fine, but this guest is not the stay-on-the-resort type and I want her and her girlfriend to be able to relax and enjoy themselves as well. Does anyone have any first-hand experiences or know of a close friend that does?? Good & bad are both appreciated so I can help sway her decision of whether or not it would actually be safe.