Just wanted to wish any ladies around right now, or that may check later, a Merry CHRISTmas, remembering to keep Jesus at the center. I've been obsessed with Brandon Heath's song "The Night Before Christmas" this holiday season, with it really keeping me remembering exactly what Jesus' birth rescued us, humanity, from.
"Empty manger, perfect stranger about to be born
Into darkness, sadness, desperate madness, creation so torn
We were so lost on earth, no peace, no worth, no way to escape
In fear, no faith, no hope, no grace, and no light
But that was the night before Christmas...!"
The fact of it is, we forget that Jesus' birth changed the course of history. That is a miracle we can never forget; not now at the season or really all year. I know all my fellow Christian knotties know that, but I just wanted to share these lyrics for those that enjoy the song, or even those who have never heard it. And if you haven't, you need to!!!
Merry Christmas!!!!!