Christian Weddings

Knottie Of The Week!

1.  Your Name & your Other Half's Name!
Anna & Matt

2.  Your Wedding Date
June 17th 2011 

3.   Your Wedding Colors
Guava & Tangerine 

4.  Your Age - His Age

5.  Honeymooning where?
St. Lucia 

6.  Does your wedding have a theme?
Fun & Romantic 

7.  How did he propose?
 It was our 2 year anniversary and we went back the the restaurant that we had our first date at. Sat in the same seats, everything was exactly the same. Even the weather outside. (raining). We were playing hangman (something we always do when we go to fancy dinners and they have the paper on top of the table cloth) his hangman after dinner and before dessert was "Will you marry me"?  Then he got down on 1 knee and asked me to marry him, then we kissed for the first time. (We were waiting till we were engaged to kiss)

8.  What do you think has been your biggest courting challenge as a Christian couple and how have you all overcome it?
I think our biggest challenge was how to be selfless. We have never dated anyone else before, so we really didn't know what we were doing, on top of that we are both very strong independent people and a little stubborn.  For the longest time we would "argue" over if the grass was green, or green yellow (not really, but you get the point) . . :-)

9.  Any advice for other couples?
You have to learn that men & women are different for a reason. Something that might seem logical to us, may seem wrong to him. Let them exercise their own right to do the things they are, don't try and take away the "man" in him because you think you have a better way. (I struggled with this for a long time)
10.  What's your fave wedding movie?
Not sure... But I love the Notebook!

11.  Fave wedding TV show?
Say Yes to the Dress 

12.  How long between the proposal and the wedding?
18 Months :-) 
BabyFetus Ticker

Re: Knottie Of The Week!

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Knottie Of The Week!</a>:
    [QUOTE]You have to learn that men & women are different for a reason. Something that might seem logical to us, may seem wrong to him. Let them exercise their own right to do the things they are, don't try and take away the "man" in him because you think you have a better way. (I struggled with this for a long time) 
    Posted by ccialone[/QUOTE]

    </div><div>Wow, It doesn't matter how many times I read that quote to myself, it amazes me to think about it.  My FI and I have different ways of doing things too, and they both seems to work, but as you said, we "think we have a better way" and that isn't necessarily the case.  </div><div>
    </div><div>For example, my FI and I are coming into this wedding with some leftover debts (what couple starts debt-free anyway), in my student loans, his leftover credit card loans, his truck loan (done in 1 year from wedding date), my car loan (still another 4 years I think).  </div><div>
    </div><div>I was concerned for the longest time that his credit card debt would be crippling and I was SOOO Vain, comparing my "getting out of CC debt" to his, but then we sat down and put both of our finances on paper (just this past Sunday) and discovered that I actually have more debt than him and while we do want to focus on getting his CC paid off since it is the highest interest rate, I was being totally unfair to him because I had gotten my CC debt nearly paid off.  Well, lo and behold... My 15k of student loans (albeit at a low interest rate) plus my car loan, and the house mortgage from a house that won't sell... yeah, my debt trumps his debt, and not in a good way.</div><div>
    </div><div>Even in this one discussion, while my ways are a little different from his, they both work, and we now know what's on the table between us financially, and it gave us a chance to really discuss such a difficult topic without getting too emotional about it.  I think he understands my position of "That DARN credit card debt," but he also understands that <u>I realize</u> that my student loans, car loan, and home mortgage are also "that DARN __ debt" too.  </div><div>
    </div><div>Okay, didn't mean to threadjack.  You shared a thought that really had a profound impact on me this evening.  </div><div>
    </div><div>Thanks for sharing your KOTW profile with us!!! </div>
    July 16, Our Wedding Day, is also International Juggling Day!
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