I also posted this on the Student Board, but I'd like to hear your girls' thoughts. It's about balancing my professional goals with my future husband's.
My FI is a grad student at Harvard Business School (first year), and I'm applying to law school. I live in Washington, DC, and he lives up in Boston. We're getting married in May. Originally, I was planning on moving up to Boston and going to Boston College or Boston University Law if I can get accepted there, but I think I'm about to be accepted at Georgetown Law, a much higher ranked school.
I'm feeling down about the idea of potentially giving up Georgetown Law for a lesser ranked school, even though I was originally happy with that idea. I'm thinking about the economy, and they say you should go to the best law school possible to be considered for a job. I'm also a rather ambitious individual, and the thought of not living up to my full potential makes me a little sad.
On the other hand, my FI made huge professional sacrifices earlier to live closer to me (he's foreign), and he is turning down recruiters for lucrative jobs abroad so we could live together in the U.S. But he doesn't want to live in DC after he graduates, as there are fewer business oportunities in DC (he's thinking big, like McKinsey or Goldman Sachs). I'd like to make sacrifices for him like he did for me, but I also have that nagging desire to be successful.
Has anyone gone through this? How do you balance your professional goals as a wife with that of your husband, especially when your professional goals don't exactly line up? Do you take turns? I have heard people in the church say women should subcumb to the man, and he needs to be the leader. But I'm a feminist, and I also believe in equal opportunities. This is our biggest disagreement, but on everything else in life we're perfect for each other. What are your thoughts? Thanks!