Wedding Woes

DSM-V and Autism

The DSM-V is in the process of being reviewed/written/examined and changed. There is a lot of talk about narrowing the parameters for Autism and general Spectrum Disorders. This would change coverage by insurance, diagnosis, and therapies.

If this happens, I think there will be even more Jenny McCarthy's out there. More parents will become overly-sensitive, militant and loud. Now, I fully believe that there are true cases of Autism, but I also believe it's over-diagnosed. Much like ADD/ADHD 10 years ago. I *do* worry about those who truly are on the spectrum and how they'll fall through any cracks.

I think the SN boards and blogs are going to explode.

Thoughts? Interest? Knowledge?
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Re: DSM-V and Autism

  • I remember hearing a news story recently about the statistics of how many kids are diagnosed with Autism (or some sort of spectrum disorder) and it seemed really high to me. 

    However, I definitely think it's concerning that they want to redefine or narrow the definition of what is Autism/on the spectrum because the DSM-V is so widely used by Dr's and insurance companies to determine the course of care/treatment and what will be covered.  I think at times that even if a kid is borderline or it's not quite determined if they are or aren't, giving them the diagnosis (because it's A diagnosis) gets them the access to therapies, assisstance, and coverage that they couldn't have (and they need) if they didn't have a defined diagnosis.

    At some point, they have to cut off what could be Autism and when it's something else (or nothing at all).   From what I understand, there's a hodge-podge of things that could put a kid 'on the spectrum'.

    But this is my non-medical, very little research beyond mainstream media articles, doesn't have a SN kid viewpoint.
  • And I'm coming from an SN POV but because DD isn't on the spectrum I'm not sure how knowledgable I really am. Other than the fact that therapists are so over booked and difficult to get because of the over diagnosis.

    I was talking to one of our therapists recently because the Governor was trying to get Early Intervention to no longer be state paid but insurance paid. She mentioned that there are a lot of kids who are OVER serviced through the state funding which takes away from those who really do need the extra services and can't pay for them privately. That's where my interest comes in on this matter. With the over diagnosis and having such a broad range to place somoene on the spectrum it takes away from those who need more services. Not saying that autism or other ASD doesn't exist, but I think it is the current catch all when a parent is insisting something is wrong or when the doctor doesn't delve deeper into the issues. Developmental Pediatrics is a booming business right now.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • That's true too re: taking away from kids who have other diagnoses and need the assistance.  I also agree that Dr's aren't delving deeper into issues because time is money and they need to get the kid diagnosed to get their money.  AND there's not enough research on brain chemistry in general, but especially on children's brain chemistry.  You can't diagnose something you can't explain/define, therefore ASD's become the 'catch-all'.

    Side-note, a little boy who goes to the sitter with DefConn had an in-utereo stroke (because his mother fell when she was pregnant) and he's come SO far with therapy.  I think of M when I see him and wonder how she's doing (and that's why I love the updates!).  :)
  • I admit that I'm interested in seeing what the mommy bloggers will have to say. So far, it's only been in the news that I've seen mention of it. But I also don't read that many Autism family blogs.

    MrsC - thank you for telling me that. That makes me happy to hear that he's doing well with therapies.

    I'm trying to find a support group but brain injuries seem to be rare enough that there aren't many - if any. At least not in-person ones. Most of what I find are ASD and Downs Syndrome groups.

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • DG1DG1 member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited May 2012

    I certainly agree that it's an important question, and whatever they do will affect a lot of people.

    But really? The boards are all atwitter about it NOW? This discussion has been going on for at least a year, and the DSM-V isn't due out for another year, at least, right? That is a lot of energy to expend on something they have no control over.

    ETA: There is a kid in the boys' class who was recently diagnosed with PDD-NOS - basically between Asperger's and Autism, as far as I can tell. I'm not going to *officially* call bullshit, because I am neither his doctor nor *a* doctor, but I'm calling layperson BS. He is absolutely engaged when I do talk to him (no vacant stares or other spectrum-like-symptoms), and I think he is just a kid who seriously misbehaves. (And think about my kids - that's kindof saying a lot coming from me.)

    Last week, I walked in to pick the kids up and saw him just whack a little girl for no reason. He got her in the eye, and she was still quite upset 10 minutes later when we finally left. He is one of the reasons I am glad to be changing daycares soon.

  • DG, they're not talking about it now. They will be if it goes into effect. I'm SURPRISED they're not talking about it at all and it makes me think that they're not reading anything on it.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Its hard with a spectrum disease to say that it is overly diagnosed- that is kind of the whole point of a spectrum- you do not need it all have the disorder

    I have worked with Autistic Clients for years hands on- and have worked with both ends- some of those clients are the ones some of you are saying "nothing is wrong with" Dont forget Bill Gates even has Asperger's syndrome- can you tell from looking/talking to him

    Some people have great coping methods and you would never know..

    I feel that if it does not address you personally or affect your life- let others be and cope and keep EVERYONE safe :D
  • HeffalumpHeffalump member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited May 2012
    I think I posted way-back-when that I scored pretty high on the Wired magazine autism quiz, and if I were a kid today there's a decent chance I'd be diagnosed as autism spectrum/Asperger's, rather than "smart but really quiet and socially awkward and sort of eccentric."  There wasn't a label for it back then, so it was considered my personality, rather than a condition to be diagnosed.

    The thing is, I've (arguably, some days) outgrown it--I don't love a lot of social situations, but I'm functional--I have friends, a spouse, work friends, normal relationships with (most) people; my obsessive attention to detail has been professionally helpful; etc.  I feel like I made an effort to fit in, to a point, and it worked for me.  If I had been further down the spectrum, then I probably would have needed more of the special services that a diagnosis gives you access to.  But at my level, I wonder if an actual diagnosis would have made others (teachers, parents) expect less of me, and made me expect less of myself, so I wouldn't have been motivated to work on being less socially awkward/"normal."  If that makes any sense.

    My niece (DH's brother's kid, no genetic relation to me) has been diagnosed as autistic, and she does not fit my understanding of the spectrum--I'm no expert so maybe I'm wrong, but I also feel like it's become a catch-all like someone else mentioned ADHD was.  (And DH is for-reals ADHD.)
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