1. Excellent suggestions on the Riesling. Thank you one and all. Blue bottle of happiness--excellent description. Plus, I overbought, so DH and I have extra. We sat out on the porch swing with a glass last night while we were waiting for the baby to fuss herself to sleep, watching dusk fall over the neighborhood, before the mosquitoes arrive. Very nice.
2. After all of your good dessert recommendations and recipes, I bought a red velvet cake at the grocery store. Creativity FAIL, but I saw it on display and had to have it. My mom kept feeding it to DD, who got it all over her yellow dress and then refused to nap. (Hello, Baby's First Sugar High.) Still, it was worth it. (DD eventually slept, I have Oxy.) Got some great pictures of the two of them enjoying their cake, and each other.
Now it's back to the grind.