So I am having a hard time deciding on my bridesmaids. Since day one I knew I wanted my sisters, fiance's sisters, and several friends in the wedding, but my mom and family do not want friends in it. My finace is having only friends as groosmen, so it's not just a family bridal party.
I want my friends in my wedding...but my mom is having serious issues with it. She says having more than just my sisters and my finace's sisters, is way too many bridesmaids. I've been back and forth with her about it - I really want my friends in it ALONG with sisters, but my mom claims I would be making a "HUGE mistake" if I did this. Apparently she thinks there will be alot of drama and my sisters will feel left out. I have listened intenly to everyone's opinions at this point. But my gut keeps telling me I still want friends included...they are like a second family to me.
What do I do? Please my mom so her and my family are happy? Or please myself but really piss off my whole family? I feel like this is a lose-lose situation...