so i'm driving along this weekend, tra la la, and i hit a little traffic going north. i actually expected this, since it was nice on saturday. this traffic meant an hour to get to my destination.
i heard an ambulance coming up on the highway, so cars had to move out of the way. lucky for me, i ended up being about 2 cars behind the ambulance, which wasn't going very fast. but if you ever get stuck in traffic on a highway and get lucky enough to be so close to an ambulance, definitely try and stay in that lane for as long as possible since cars end up moving out of the way. i was able to dive 25-30'ish MPH this way, instead of being in stop and go 5MPH traffic.
some idiot from CT jumped in front of me. i like to keep a couple of car lengths between me and a car in front in case of a crash, but the CT driver jumped in without warning. i didnt want to risk hitting him, so i let him go. WORST MISTAKE EVER.
people from CT don't know how to drive.
not only did he slow down, but he ended up letting so many other cars in front of him that it didn't even matter that the lane was moving. i was screaming in the driver's seat, "stop letting people in! just drive!" and then, we were caught up in traffic once again. i didn;t understand why he switched lanes.
i ended up getting off the highway to get back on to avoid some of the traffic. it wasn't bad after one of the more backed-up exits.
but still. that guy had no business getting in front of me only to come to a halt. very annoying.