Wedding Woes

another u/o rant. drivers.

so i'm driving along this weekend, tra la la, and i hit a little traffic going north. i actually expected this, since it was nice on saturday. this traffic meant an hour to get to my destination.

i heard an ambulance coming up on the highway, so cars had to move out of the way. lucky for me, i ended up being about 2 cars behind the ambulance, which wasn't going very fast. but if you ever get stuck in traffic on a highway and get lucky enough to be so close to an ambulance, definitely try and stay in that lane for as long as possible since cars end up moving out of the way. i was able to dive 25-30'ish MPH this way, instead of being in stop and go 5MPH traffic.

some idiot from CT jumped in front of me. i like to keep a couple of car lengths between me and a car in front in case of a crash, but the CT driver jumped in without warning. i didnt want to risk hitting him, so i let him go. WORST MISTAKE EVER.

people from CT don't know how to drive.

not only did he slow down, but he ended up letting so many other cars in front of him that it didn't even matter that the lane was moving. i was screaming in the driver's seat, "stop letting people in! just drive!" and then, we were caught up in traffic once again. i didn;t understand why he switched lanes.

i ended up getting off the highway to get back on to avoid some of the traffic. it wasn't bad after one of the more backed-up exits.

but still. that guy had no business getting in front of me only to come to a halt. very annoying.

Re: another u/o rant. drivers.

  • I challenge you to come to Houston for a week and then complain about CT drivers. 
  • It would never cross my mind to follow the ambulance.  I'd rather sit in traffic than risk impeding other emergency crews that might be coming.  Then again I think you guys have entirely different traffic rules.
  • Are you sure you meant CT and not CO? They LOVE to cut you off and then slow down out here. It's like the state pastime. 
  • Sucky driving is universal. I just want to get a personal driver and be taken around. I hate hate hate driving.

  • i'm in the "I didn't/don't think you're supposed to follow ambulances like that" camp.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: another u/o rant. drivers.</a>:
    [QUOTE]Are you sure you meant CT and not CO? They LOVE to cut you off and then slow down out here. <strong>It's like the state pastime. </strong>
    Posted by baconsmom[/QUOTE]
    same here. i see this multiple time daily on my commute. <div>
    </div><div>i was cut off by a guy on Saturday on the highway, where the speed limit was 70mph. I was going at least 75, in the right lane. The guy flies past me, cuts me off, and then sees a cop a ways up the road, and comes to an almost dead stop. Not, slowed down to 70 because there was a cop, slowed down to like 5mph. I'm lucky that i dropped back a bit when he cut me off because i would probably be in the hospital right now if I hadn't. I came within a few feet of hitting the guy. I'm also very lucky that the guy behind me was far enough back not to hit me. </div>
  • WzzWzz member
    2500 Comments 250 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper

    re: following an ambulance - the path behind them opens right up to traffic, so it makes sense that the traffic behind the ambulance will flow faster than the traffic in other lanes. obviously, not when they drive the shoulder. that's just plain illegal.

    it wouldn't cause an accident to fall into place behind the ambulance, as long as you follow at a safe enough distance. at 20-25MPH on the highway, two car lengths is plenty.

    Barbie, i totally believe you. bad driving hapens all over the place. i just wish that when people decide to switch lanes to get in front of me, that they understand they should keep going at the same MPH speed of the lane., and not slow down. i don't understand switching lanes only to not keep up.

  • I also like to get a "wave" when I let you in.

    Give me my wave, people.
  • i wish that other drivers would:
    1) use their damn turn signals
    2) stop using the turn lane as their own personal lane
    2a) especially to get around heavy traffic
    2a1)especially when they feel the need to drive down that lane at 50 mph and then swerve into oncoming traffic to miss the car that is sitting in the lane, waiting to use it for it's intended purpose (to turn)
    3) stop making right turns from the left lane
    4) stop making left turns from the right lane
    5) stop going into U turn lanes under highways at high speeds. It's a blind curve, there's no time to stop. (one of the ways i was rear-ended in 2011)
    6) stop driving 10-15mph under the posted speed limit (in good weather conditions) in the left lane of a highway
    7) stop slamming on their brakes when coming up to a speed bump. if you can't hit that thing going more than 3 mph without flipping your car, you have no business driving and that car has no business on the road. 
    8) stop smoking in gas stations
    9) stop trying to drive, drink coffee, talk on the phone and apply mascara all at the same time
    10) stop cutting off others only to slow down

    ^^^ i have seen all of these (most multiple times) during my ~36 miles of commute to work yesterday and today. (it's about 12 miles each way)

  • WzzWzz member
    2500 Comments 250 Love Its Second Anniversary Name Dropper
    i hate the turns from the wrong lane, too.

    there is a road here, it is two lanes, and both lanes make a left turn into two lanes. i can;t tell you how many times i grow frustrated at people who turn from the left lane into the right lane. greedy lane hogs. i just stay in the right lane to avoid getting cut off by people who have no business driving while blind.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: another u/o rant. drivers.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I also like to get a "wave" when I let you in. Give me my wave, people.
    Posted by NOLABridesmaid[/QUOTE]
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