Wedding Woes

Seriously. I need y'all's help

I don't know how to say this, so I'm just going to say it. The doctor found a tumor in my stomach. I've had a biopsy but I don't have results yet. I haven't told anyone except DH, and I don't know how to tell anyone. I don't even want to say it out loud. Also, though, there's nothing yet to tell. I don't know if it's the dreaded C word. Most of me thinks it's not, but even if it is, I'm young and healthy. I'm not worried about it killing me, but man. I was not counting on this for the summer.


Re: Seriously. I need y'all's help

  • Tons of vibes, Ts&Ps, an ear if you need to vent, and anything else you may need.

    Do I need to come down there and bring you casseroles?
  • Lots and lots of vibes, thoughts, prayers, positive energy - all coming your way...sorry you are having to deal with this. 
  • :: not so serious vibes ::

    your junk drawer full of knives can take on any tumor.
  • Oh wow, that sucks. I'm really sorry. How long will it take for the results? If not too long, it might be better to wait so people don't worry. I know when my dad had a scare (his doc thought he had lymphoma), I was the only one he told and we had to wait like 2 months for all the tests to go through. Honestly, I'd rather he didn't tell me because I was so scared.

    But you have to do what's right for you. If you need to tell your family then definitely do so.
  • ***super vibes, T&P and big hugs*** 

    how long before you get the results of the biopsy? 

  • **O-Face****O-Face** member
    10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 25 Love Its
    edited June 2010
    Holy crap.

    Now that THAT^ is out of the way.

    Maybe discuss with employers if you need time off, but wait on everyone else until you get better answers. 

    ETA:  *vibes for health and calm*
  • ::::vibes for good health and peace while you wait for results::::
  • Thanks everyone. I don't know when my results will come in; I was so shocked when she told me, I couldn't really form a coherent thought. I suppose I'll call today and ask, but really, I just wanted to get the hell out of there so I could go have my meltdown in peace.

    I think I'm still having it.
  • That's normal (the meltdown)

    You need to have the little break down, it's healthy for you. Then you can deal with this head-on. Don't be shocked if it takes a while to get results. It doesn't necessarily mean it's bad if they don't get your results right away. Sometimes things just manifest, they're isolated, they are removed, and it's NBD.

    Do you have the time to treat yourself to a mini vacation? Or maybe some other therapeutic activity? Massage, walking in a park, watching movie after movie after movie... whatever?
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  • I'm with BC all the way on this.

    Take a lot of "you" time. 
  • I'm sorry, Ww.  I hope they figure out what's going on as quickly as possible. 
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • ::tsunami wave of vibes & prayers::

    That is scary news but you are going to get through whatever it turns out to be.


    I just a friendly gal looking for options.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    Seriously.  Mega.  Vibes.  
  • So THIS was what was behind all the digestive problems.  I wonder why the Taco Bell helped?

    Anyway, {{{just one of those things vibes}}}.

    And try affirmations.  it worked for Scott Adams when he had a lump on his neck.
  • Oh my. I hope everything is ok.

    You're in my thoughts and prayers.
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  • I'm so sorry to hear this. Girl, you know that I believe in the power of prayer, and you know I'm going to say it.

    God will get you through this. He is ABLE. You hear me.

    ABLE to do anything, and see you through ANY journey.

    You know I'll be praying for you. Don't claim the worse. Love ya.:)

  • edited June 2010
    #1 - I wouldn't worry about telling anyone right now. Frankly, there isn't anything to tell that won't bring on a bazillion questions that you don't need to deal with right now.

    #2 - Ride the meltdown through. Try to keep positive. It sounds like you are going a great job of that.

    #3 - Write all of your questions down for your next appointment.

    #4 - Super.Mega.Kick.Butt.Vibes. You can get through this.
  • I've been thinking about you, wondering what happened with your endo. I'm so sorry and I'm wishing you all the best and sending all vibes your way. I would call the doctor today to discuss what it could be, how long it will take to get the results. She may be able to ease your mind, she may see things like this all the time that aren't C. 
  • Oh Ww... I'm so sorry. But you're WONDERwife. You'll beat whatever this is. I'm shooting some seriously strong mega vibes your way. *hugs*
  • ((( Mega health vibes))) I'm sorry you are going through this, Ww.
  •  Enter into the wonder that you are, and from that place of wonder imagine your future, your life, and your collective reality in the next grandest version of the greatest vision you ever held about Who You Are. In this you spread wonder throughout your world and achieve the purpose for which you came to the world. NealeDonald Walsch.
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