Wedding Woes


How was the weekend?  Ours was good.  Saturday Dh went to work then stained the gazebo.  6let and I went to the store then played in the yard and blew bubbles.Sunday, Dh went to work and finished the gazebo (it's only taken 4 weekends).  6let and I went to church then made two apple cakes and played.Mmmmmm apple cake.  Bossman traded for a date nut cookie.  mmmmmmm cookie.  I like his kind of trading.

Re: Morning!

  • DH is fixing the basement at a surprising rate. He put up the two sheets of drywall and spackled (?) them in one afternoon. He would have done more, but he has to wait for it to dry. Saturday I worked then had some friends over, Sunday I slept way too much and did almost nothing.
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  • Good morning!  My weekend was pretty good.  H was OOT, so I just relaxed and made sure I have everything I need for Wednesday.
    IF/Baby Blog
    2 years, 2 surgeries, 2 clomid fails, 2 IUIs, 1 loss, IVF #1 - 10/25/10 = BFP!
    TTC #2 - 6/12 surgery #3, FET #1 & 1.2 = BFN, 12/2012 FET #2 = BFP!
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    I can't wait for the "im getting a divorce" post in 5 years or so because your husbands were fed up with your disgusting chair asses from playing on the knot all day and getting fired 4-5 times for not doing any work. you guys are all winners!! ~ Laur929
  • Can I just make it smaller? I love my costume!
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  • Would it make you sad if I said we tore down our perfectly good gazebo a few months ago? ;) We put a 10'x14' shed in its place, though. Our weekend was really nice. H was OOT, so it was just DD and I. I busted butt and cleaned house Fri. and Sat. My BFF was in town, so she and her b/f came over to visit Sat. Sunday, H came home and we just vegged. We had some awesome BCBC this a.m. In all, I rate it a B+ weekend.
  • It wouldn't take as long if he'd get his act together and start before noon and have all of his supplies ready.  He b!tches about our maintenance dept. starting late, leaving early, and not cleaning up after themselves.  He does the exact same thing.Ah well, it looks good. 
  • Weekend was good, not nearly long enough. M and F are my 10 hour days, so I'm beat already, at 10 'til 9. Please take that giant dong out of your sig. For real.  
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic Gone too Soon.
  • Not sad at all nicole- we have a very nice shed too.  Besides a shed would look silly nestled in the trees with the ponds and the fire pit ;)
  • Mine was good until this morning when I woke up and knew I had to come back to work.
  • Ok, my posts are certified SFW again.
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  • Saturday I had my BM dress fitting. I go back on 10/24. Then we went apple picking with the ILs. Awesome BCBC Sat. night and Sun morning. Yesterday H was out all day and I worked on rehearsal dinner stuff for MIL. Today, I have the day off. I plan on cleaning and experimenting with cake pop designs.
  • Friday-We did some running around.  The kiddo, seemed to be OK.Saturday-I was up at 6:30am to go to the JDRF walk, then I had lunch with my sisters, then I went to my friend's house, we went to my other friend's baby shower, then we went back to my friend's house to watch the Wisconsin game (which was painful, she's a Sconnie) and then I went out to dinner with her, her BF, and her sister.   DH went to his 'man-party' and the kiddo spent the night with my MIL.Yesterday-I did housework all day and watched football.  The kiddo and DH came home 1/2 way thru the day.  The kiddo is still really sick.  I've been up off and on since about 4:20am.  I'm taking him to the Dr.  I'm off today and probably tomorrow.  ::sigh::  My poor pumpkin.  I feel so bad for him.
  • Aw, poor kid.  I hope he feels better soon.
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