interesting that only alfie, who lived alone, was the only one motivated to clean up his space.i do have to say -- even after he cleaned up that space, i still wouldn't want to live in it, with the hot pink walls and the bric-a-brac everywhere.i wonder how many people called dcfs on bernie and her daughter for raising a kid like that. i cheered scott on (he's so chicago and awesome), but really, he needs to take an even harder line with his mom. i applauded him breaking the lamp, and i wanted him to wave it in her face, all "you would destroy your relationship with me over a lamp?"not a surprise that charlene stopped "cleaning" her house. i loved her friend. lady, we know. we are shocked and appalled, too. there ARE mice everywhere, you know this.charlene's husband is as crazy as she is, but in a different way.