yeah they bite. But they also bite when it's just gums. There are a few ways to handle this. They laugh when you scream so try not to scream. It's funny to them, little bastards. Pull the baby off the breast and do a time out for about 30 seconds. They'll learn that biting equals no boob. PN when threw this bitting phase and when she bit I'd hit her on the thigh and say no bitting. Not a painful hit, just a firm pat followed by a strong "no bitting." She doesn't bite anymore. The bottom teeth arn't a problem since the tougne covers those teeth. The top teeth had me worried but I still don't feel ther teeth so it's really a non issue. Keep some Lanosil breastfeeding cream handy becuase if they do break the skin that stuff will have you healed w/in 24 hours. Hope this was helpful.