Wedding Woes

Sephora vs. Ulta

I have been coveting two (JUST two) eye makeup related items at Ulta - one from UD and the other from Smashbox. I went to Sephora with my 5 cash for clunkers exchange. Sephora did not have the same items from the same lines as Ulta. ::GASP:: How could they do this to me!?!?!Cash for Clunkers: bring in 5 items of makeup you no longer use and you get $10 off a $50 purchase. Offers ends on the 12th.I got some Fekkai glossing spray, some ghp (?) heat protecting spray, and Hope in a Jar. I also got my birthday present (three lip glosses).So, moral of story....if you want Lounge by UD, go to Ulta.
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