Wedding Woes

The good, the bad, and the ugly

Good- DH and I made a final decision that when co-irker comes back from surgery I'm going to resign.  We had good BCBC to celebrat.Bad- I woke up at 1:30 am violently ill.Ugly- I had chicken ravioli in pesto sauce for dinner.  'nuff said.Oh, and the weird- I can't make jello for the life of me.

Re: The good, the bad, and the ugly

  • a) POASb) why would you want to make jello anyway? it's gross. YWIA!
  • Good- Yay for you. Bad- Don't you hate when that happens. Ugly-Passing you some pepto.Here are mineGood- I've decided to throw my sis a surprise 40th B-Day party.Bad- I have to keep listening to her complain that she doesn't have anything to do for her birthday. Trick, just be patient.Ugly- Parent teacher conference is tonight.
  • The good: I have a doctor's appt at 2:20 today, then I'm heading home.The bad: I have a doctor's appt today.The ugly: probably my cholesterol.
  • Good - Yay!  I dislike you heifers who get to SAH!Bad - Po' thang.Ugly - Ew!  That's why you woke up violently ill & POAS.  One word, DG1. Mine:Good - I spoke to all my BFFs & everyone's down for the 40th B'day celebration.  We agree to do it before the oldest one turns 41 (Sept 1st, '10) Bad - I'm not feeling so hot .. can you catch a sinus infection?  I knew I shouldn't kiss H on the mouth! Ugly - I have cramps! Mornin' ..  
    BabyFruit Ticker image
  • Good - I went to bed at 9pm last night. I'm still tired, but it helped with the 3 mid-night feedings w/DD. Bad - I left my phone at home, probably in the pants I was wearing yesterday. Ugly - Today's my anniversary and I know we're nto doing anything. This year was H's turn to plan. I will be bitter and cranky by the end of the day... even more so than usual.
  • Good for you!  Boo on the bad and ugly. Good - Yesterday while pumping, I discovered my cell phone has a fun, Zelda-like game on it.  It was a nice surprise. Bad - I'm so tired.  Dozing on and off for 6 hours /=/ sleeping for 6 hours. Ugly - I have to go to Walmart on my lunch break.
  • One more good- since I'm home I actually get to see taw's super duper sweet baby! No I'm not pregnant. 
  • The Good: My cw called me her rock the other day.The Bad: I've been her rock through her brother's heart attack.The Ugly - The shyts that been going down b/w me and H.
  • Good - I'm going back to belly dancing tonight. I missed the last 2 weeks due to being sick and then having a sedated cat. Bad - Williams Sonoma is selling lame looking "brownie pops" for $30/6. I should be selling mine and making a shitton of money. Ugly - I'm still sneezing like crazy. I'm tired of being a snot monster.  
  • The good: I get to go home tonight The bad: I was up until 1:30 am working The ugly: I was doing expense reports from the last two months and I'm over my CC limit which means I tap into our bank account which pisses DH off and makes him ask a bajillion questions.
  • Yay for 6's good.Good - I can type again.  And H was happy with getting good ice cream for his birthday.Bad - The last two night have been miserable sleeping experiences.Ugly - H is getting a crown today.Who knows - If I have my dates straight, this week we should get the response to the visitation complaint.  Who knows if it will get continued again, ignored, or what.
  • Good -- I did one full week of my workout and am still motivated to keep going.Bad -- I need to do our meal plan, but I super hate making out grocery lists.Ugly -- DH is being a downright bastard and I'm really tired of it.  He's about to have a come-to-Jesus talk and some marriage counseling or a divorce.  I'm thinking of taking away the option to decide from him.
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