thank you, zsa, for the picture. giggling about it got me through my four hour meeting.oface, you look so great and happy at the marathon. congrats for beating your old time. btw, have you ever considered hhh?td, i would fake obesity for the attention. maybe the attention would lead to houseboundness, and you know that is my ultimate life goal.pmeg, i need your address in three years. i will buy you this died at hooka's mull on this and saw that fsil said "do you." you do you!i don't know if any of you saw wanda sykes's special on hbo, but she talks about how she and her wife didn't use a black man to father their kids. in case wanda died first, she didn't want to leave a biracial daughter's hair in the hands of her white wife, so they went with a white dude.i won't eat desk beef, but i would eat something that had been left out if it was made by corporate america. corporate america adds preservatives and salt, and they know lawsuits. also, whatever i'm eating was probably made by a bunch of honduran teamsters two months ago, shipped to florida, and then shipped to my supermarket in an unrefrigerated truck where the driver was trying to save some money. i'll be fine if it was out at room temp for two hours.and look at this mess. they've been togther less than a year, been living together for two months, and she is dyyyyyying for a ring. yes, she's 24.