Wedding Woes

How pretty!

I wish they would have left the prong collar off though.  Ignore the red rocket

Re: How pretty!

  • Very pretty. I hate those chains, on my way to work I see a mom at the bus stop with her kid and she has a medium sized lab (about 50 lbs) with one of those stupid collars. I doubt its necessary. And thanks for pointing out the red rocket, I wouldnt have noticed otherwise.
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  • Awww, the face!
    "I would be sad if sex was only about the climax, lame." Someone who is obviously doing it wrong
  • LOL! Hank has a prong collar, it does improve his pulling and such.  It's necessary for our dog.  It's either that, or a shock collar.  Though once we get a second dog, I'm thinking the shock collar might be the thing.
  • We like to use the Gentle Leaders for the pulling.  But I think Zelda may have to end up with a prong collar.  I haven't ever dealt with such a stubborn damn dog.
  • jesus and carmen (from my monkey baby) use these collars for their dogs.
  • My mom has an invisible fence at her house and its wonderful. The dogs stay by her at home and at work, we can let the dogs out at the store and they stay close. Mom got the invisible fence when our puppy (no longer a puppy) decided to run along the highway near our house.
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