Wedding Woes


for the second time in three months, an order i have placed at a dept store has been messed up.  the first time, i placed an order, and the sales person forgot to fax it in.  the item sold out.  i followed up with a call, "hey, i never got my order."  they explained what happened, i asked them to fix it, and they said they couldn't.  thanks for your terrible service.  now, i placed an order on tuesday night.  someone was supposed to call me back for credit card info.  it's thursday.  i called this morning at 9:30 and asked someone to call me back.  no one called by 1:00.  i called.  on hold for 15 minutes.  i hang up and call back.  on hold 5 minutes.  repeat x 2.  i finally get someone on the line, and they also forgot to fax my order in, and the item is gone.  they better flerking find this order, or i am going to start getting really upset.  i'm not punishing them for the other store's mistake, but i do not appreciate being diddlyfarked on the phone for a half hour.

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