Wedding Woes

Boy in the balloon update

Re: Boy in the balloon update

  • Man, did I say I wanted kids.    
  • My parents would hug, and then tap that you know what.
  • So I can laugh at his name now, right? Also- I think I'd be beating both of them; who's the genius that told everyone Falcon *snicker* got into the balloon? But then... methinks that parents who have a helium balloon chilling in the backyard and name their kid *Falcon* aren't much for discipline.
  • The older brother told that to the police, and stuck to the story for hours. He needs to get beat too.
  • "Science enthusiasts" Really? Family devotes time "to scientific experiments that include looking for extraterrestrials and building a research-gathering flying saucer to send into the eye of the storm."Science-Fiction, maybe.
    MIL is thrilled you're joining the family. Image and video hosting by TinyPic
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