I am curious, what about Bush did you like? -yet another Republican who believed gays were second class citizens? (At least Obama's repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell)-putting America technologically and scientifically behind with his scientific policy decisions based on religion? (Obama rescinded Bush's stem cell policies which invited a flood of new research, money, and private sector biotech growth)-putting us in Iraq for a war that was based on unsound intelligence information? (At least Obama is committing to troop withdrawl)I'm just curious, did you ever have to hear people from other countries wonder WTF was up with our idiot president? Cause I did. Nothing says dinner conversation like chatting with Canadians about how we let that idiot run this place for 8 years like our country is some live action S&M factory. What particular views do you have that are in line with the current Republican party? I considered myself a Republican a long time but I had to stop when the elected members and people moved away from being in favor of limited federal government, a strong military, and states rights into fear mongering, right wing extreme Christians. And I also learned enough to know that whether you like it or not, we need a greater federal presence because too many states just feck it up.