Wedding Woes


I am curious, what about Bush did you like? -yet another Republican who believed gays were second class citizens? (At least Obama's repealing Don't Ask, Don't Tell)-putting America technologically and scientifically behind with his scientific policy decisions based on religion? (Obama rescinded Bush's stem cell policies which invited a flood of new research, money, and private sector biotech growth)-putting us in Iraq for a war that was based on unsound intelligence information? (At least Obama is committing to troop withdrawl)I'm just curious, did you ever have to hear people from other countries wonder WTF was up with our idiot president? Cause I did. Nothing says dinner conversation like chatting with Canadians about how we let that idiot run this place for 8 years like our country is some live action S&M factory. What particular views do you have that are in line with the current Republican party? I considered myself a Republican a long time but I had to stop when the elected members and people moved away from being in favor of limited federal government, a strong military, and states rights into fear mongering, right wing extreme Christians. And I also learned enough to know that whether you like it or not, we need a greater federal presence because too many states just feck it up.

Re: Jessjo

  • There is going to be no perfect president, I can only pick from who is a candidate. I don't necessarily disagree with the war, but admittedly dont know everything about it. Getting rid of a dictator is a good thing, I dont think anyone would disagree. I think a lot about a president is how he is portrayed by the media. Much of the media is of a liberal bias (IMO) and loved to jump on Bush for anything. I heard nearly no coverage of Obama making fun of the special olympics or appointing a man who is a leader in a group promoting the legalization of men having sex with underage boys. In conclusion (feel like I'm writing a speech here): my values and beliefs are more in line with the republican party and have to trust my candidate to uphold those values.
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  • Pmeg, when in Morocco, H and I were asked by a lot of people (usually Saudis), when they found out we were Americans, who we wanted in office. Clinton or Obama. No mention at all of the Republican candidates. It was interesting seeing as how buddy-buddy the Saudis are with the Bush clan.
  • Bush got bad media coverage because he didn't give answers. When asked tough questions, he'd ignore them or dance around with answers. It's well known that if reporters asked a question he didn't like, he wouldn't call on them. You aren't going to get good media coverage if you aren't willing to answer the questions. I think liberal bias in media is a crock of sh!t. So much of our news reporting is not news but "journalists" with televised talk shows. There are rare instances of good investigative journalism, but I can't think of any news channel on cable or the major networks that isn't just a talk show. I challenge you to get news from independent sources. I never use CNN, CNBC, MSNBC, Fox, NBC, CBS, or ABC. And toeing the party line is outdated. I cannot understand in this day and age why anyone would vote straight ticket. I vote on issues and the candidates who best support my views on them, and have the voting record to back it up. If that person is Republican, so be it. Democrat, fine.
  • I'm butting in because I'm bored waiting for our volunteer to get done using the centrifuge.It's a little hard to remember looking upon Bush even slightly favorably, but I liked how he took immediate action after 9/11 that supported what most of the people in the country were asking for.  Everything went to hell in a handbasket after a while, almost as though he found one action that people supported at one time and kept beating it into the ground long after its usefulness and couldn't understand why people thought it was no longer appropriate.  But there was a while there when he was in fact serving his country.
  • DG1DG1 member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    eh. I don't know that getting rid of that dictator was a good thing for anyone involved, especially the 4,345 US soldiers killed and 31,483 seriously wounded (as of 9/21/09).  Or the 1.3 MILLION Iraqis killed since we went over there.As an otherwise-unaffected taxpayer, I certainly don't think spending $691,775,121,173 in Iraq did anything great for the US economy, either.And you can't blame Obama (or Bush) for how the media treats him.  For example, I don't get all the hate for the peace prize. I agree that it was premature at best, but it's not like the man ran for the award. 

  • I'm not saying the eventual outcome was good, because of course it wasn't.  But as much as people like to deny it now, at the time the war started, few were opposed to it, and most were actively in favor.
  • National debt is a whole different topic. Obama is trying to make everything better by throwing money at whatever is wrong. We have a huge national debt now and the ones that will be paying are the future generations.
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  • It's a perfect reason not to have kids!
  • I think you have your facts seriously mixed up, Jess.Nowhere have I seen anything about Kevin Jennings being the head of an organization that advocates men having sex with boys. He founded GLSEN, which promotes safety and acceptance for gay students. You may be referring to the one instance described in his book where a student disclosed a sexual relationship with an older man, and Jennings did not report it. However, at the time of the incident, the student had already reached the legal age of consent in Massachusetts, and as such there was nothing to report.
  • Um - Didn't Bush push through the first bailout? Wasn't McCain all for throwing money at problems that the market could have corrected if left to do its job?Don't blame all the deficit on Democrats, or this particular administration, JessJo. Seriously - neither major party is averse to spending our money.
  • Ok, I missed a step there. I just checked. Jennings praised the leader of NAMBLA. "Lori Roman of Regular Folks United points to statements by Jennings a decade or more ago when he praised Harry Hay of the North American Association for Man-Boy Love Association (NAMBLA), which promotes the legalization of sexual abuse of young boys by older men."
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  • Jess, I don't disagree that the national debt it out of control. But like DG pointed out, we sunk billions into Iraq for longer than we should of. That wasn't an Obama doing either. And I do remember the stimulus checks that were handed out during Bush's time in office. The fact of the matter is, that some of these projects are going to have payback albeit not on a federal level. From from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) is being used in Phoenix to fix/reconstruct an airport runway. It sounds insignificant but that means for us locally, that we can attract more airlines providing more competition and access to our state as a travel and business destination. It means that when airlines have an option to reevaluate routes that Phoenix can be given. It sounds piddly but that means ultimately there is more money flowing into our area and it is desperately needed.
  • I agree that Bush had no problem spending money, but not to the degree that Obama has already. It doesnt help that I completely disagree with where the money is going, I don't want the government in my bank or car company.
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  • I do have a flair for being overly simplistic, but I sometimes wonder what it would look like if we had been encouraged, from the get-go, to sacrifice/donate/plant victory gardens or some schit vs. spendspendspend/business as usual/nothing to see here!
  • I think this country is in an economic mess and while the recession for individuals my end soon, I never see our country getting out of debt. We accumulate so much debt til we die and pass it on.
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  • Again, Harry Hay was not the leader of NAMBLA, though he did speak on their behalf. He was, however, one of the first leaders of the gay rights movement, and he did a lot to promote the recognition of diversity among the gay community. He was against any portion of the gay community marginalizing any other portion, which is why he supported NAMBLA. Jennings said that he looked up to Hay, but never stated that he agreed with or supported Hay's connection with NAMBLA.  Saying you admire someone does not align you with all of their beliefs ever.
  • If I recall correctly Clinton turned this country over to Bush with a surplus .. Bush left us with a $1 trillion national debt!
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