Wedding Woes

I overreacted right?

So my friend has been having a lot of work drama.  She's boohooed to me, asked advice the whole nine yards.  Early last week I sent a short e-mail that I was thinking about her and hoped she was doing all right.Saturday I was goofing around and checked facebook.  Her status talked about an interview going well, it was everything she wants, blah, blah.Later I called and asked her about it, congratulated her, told her I was crossing crossables, etc.  Then I told her it was a load of crap that I had to find out about this on facebook.  Her reply "I didn't have time to send an e-mail."  My response "If you had time to update facebook you had time to drop an e-mail.  I don't appreciate the boohooing and advice wanting on the crappy stuff without getting the joy of the good.  I really am very happy for you, just please let me know these things so I'm not worrying so much."Does this sort of thing annoy your?  Or did I overreact?  (I lean towards overreaction)

Re: I overreacted right?

  • She's being selfish, but you also overreacted, IMO.
  • I try to always remember to give my friends updates/resolutions to my problems.  It's common courtesy, IMO.  And her 'excuse' is BS.  She could have sent you an e-mail over FB to let you know. So yes, I do think that I would be a little bent to find out in the manner you did.  Especially if you spent a lot of time listening to her AND you sent a follow-up "I'm thinking of you" e-mail (or voicemail, whatever).
  • zilla- that's why I was wondering if I was overreacting.  I hate the texting/facebook form of communication crap and didn't know if I was projecting.  It's very rare for me to be on facebook.  I have no pics, profile, and never post anything.  I probably still wouldn't know if I didn't want to know what a friend was thinking about the OSU loss.
  • I lean toward over-reacting...but I suppose it depends, in part, on the timeframe.I mean, is this info she's had a day (and a probably hectic one at that) to process or info she's had a week to process?
  • She got the interview Thursday and had the interview Friday.  She updated her facebook twice before I called her Friday.
  • Sometimes an email DOES take more than an fb message, but that's still a crappy way to find that out. 
  • First off, an FB message IS a freakin' e-mail.  And I find it's more work than e-mail b/c you have to find the person on your friends list, which if it's more than one page is slow, then go to their profile, send a message, blah, blah.  I just hit the first letter in e-mail and the e-mail addy pops up.And yeah, I'd be a little peeved too.  But I probably wouldn't have said anything, unless it was the 3rd or 4th time it'd happened.
  • V- it was a status update on her wall.  Not a facebook message.  That is not an e-mail.
  • 6, I understood your thing.  I just get miffed at the FB messaging stuff.  It takes longer than an e-mail and I'm more likely to check/see the e-mail than I am the little bitty "1" next to inbox on FB.But I'm an FB hater anyway.
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