So my friend has been having a lot of work drama. She's boohooed to me, asked advice the whole nine yards. Early last week I sent a short e-mail that I was thinking about her and hoped she was doing all right.Saturday I was goofing around and checked facebook. Her status talked about an interview going well, it was everything she wants, blah, blah.Later I called and asked her about it, congratulated her, told her I was crossing crossables, etc. Then I told her it was a load of crap that I had to find out about this on facebook. Her reply "I didn't have time to send an e-mail." My response "If you had time to update facebook you had time to drop an e-mail. I don't appreciate the boohooing and advice wanting on the crappy stuff without getting the joy of the good. I really am very happy for you, just please let me know these things so I'm not worrying so much."Does this sort of thing annoy your? Or did I overreact? (I lean towards overreaction)