Wedding Woes

ok but

y'all know how i feel about "you'll understand when you ___."  btw, i bet your aunt won't forgive you for being so condescending to her kids.Dear Amy: "Stick to Our Guns" was upset because her teenagers weren't invited to a family wedding.I faced the same thing when I got married -- I just could not afford to include children.I spoke with my cousins about this. I said, "When you're older, you'll understand," and they seemed OK. I still wonder if my aunt will ever forgive me.-- Wedded NieceDear Niece: The flip side to this is that when you have kids, you may see this differently, but it was your wedding and your choice.

Re: ok but

  • It may be okay to say this to actual children.  I don't know, though.
  • I hate when people say "you'll understand when...". It implies that since I'm not older/dont have kids/etc, that I'm ignorant of how the situation works.
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  • But Hmo, teenagers don't give gifts. They just piggyback on the pathetic $50 check their parents gave. She shouldn't have to spend money for dinner on people that aren't going to make up their plate-cost.
  • I was just thinking about this yesterday.  Our wedding was $350 a head, and only our parents made up their plate costs.  It's pretty much expected that few make up the costs, right?
  • Exactly Kuus. Unless your reception is at McDonald's, I don't see how any self-respecting person can possibly expect their guests to make up their plate cost.
  • Y'know, kids get disappointed about all sorts of crap. They get over it.I also would like you to know that at first I typed, all sHorts of crap.  Now I'm laughing.
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