Wedding Woes

Bathing Suit vibes.

I haven't had any luck finding a bathing suit for my trip. I own three but the back fat is stopping me from wearing those in public.So, I ordered two from Target. Vibes that they work because I'm out of luck if they don't.TYIA

Re: Bathing Suit vibes.

  • :: skinnydipping vibes ::
  • Remember, if they don't is because the bathing suit is wrong, NOT your body. ::vibes::
  • How about a Duggar-esque modesty swim dress?  

    I just a friendly gal looking for options.

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  • Major vibes.  Bathing suits suck. I don't know your price range, but LL Bean and Land's End have some great quality ones.  Land's End has free returns to Sears and LL Bean has free shipping with their credit card.
  • Ha. Let's see what happens.  
  • Zsa, I've actually spent more than ten minutes considering those, because it would be so easy to wear a bra with them. Shun if you want, but I don't leave the house braless. I don't think that should prevent me from swimming, but you'd be surprised at how many backless suits they make for fatties.
  • Think how much more comfortable those would be, BM as well as not having to worry about burning so dang much in places that don't see much sun.I wouldn't judge.  I might wrinkle my nose a bit if I saw it in public, but then I'd probably be secretly jealous.
  • Well, I only go to the indoor pool, so I won't burn, but yeah - they look pretty decent to me. Also, you'd be able to run errands on the way to or from without changing/covering up! It would save so much bag space....
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