Wedding Woes

Beagle people

Do your beagles make a whine/sex noise, or is it just this one? Doing some work out of BFF's dad's home office right now, and their beagle is making these hilarious noises. I definitely believe it to be whiny in context, but the extra "uuughh, uuuuuuuugh" part of it is cracking me up. He's a sweetie. A big fat sweetie. I've been playing with him while boss is at lunch. Seems like no one else does.
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Re: Beagle people

  • Well, Bennett "talks" to me.  We call it the hounddog sounds.  It kinda sounds like he's mooing.Then there's the baying.  That sounds like we have a woman trapped in our basement and are beating the hell out of her.  Seriously, it sounds like a screaming woman.  I live in fear that we're going to pull up the house someday and find it surrounded by cops trying to break into the bedroom where Bennett is stashed.
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