To call today an epic fail would be a dramatic understatement. It wasn't going well to begin with when...I put a crib sheet to soak in the laundry sink. AND FORGOT TO TURN OFF THE WATER. For an hour, people.The basement is so flooded. The laundry room is right over DH's workshop, and everything on the workshop shelves is soaked. The shelves are soaked. The ductwork is dripping with water. There is a 150 square foot puddle on the floor.What kind of repair is going to be involved here? I'm from the south, where we don't have basements and crap. Will we need to replace subfloor? electrical? ductwork? Will a typical homeowners policy cover this? (and even if it did, would I want to use it or would my rates skyrocket?)Seriously. I was ready to quit life 2 hours ago. Now I'm ready to jump off of a bridge.