I'm so tired right now my eyes are burning. 1- I was working on an assigment until 10 pm last night. Only then did I realize I forgot to eat dinner. So then I tried to think of what to cook, but I was too damn tired to make much of anything. Woohoo... fish sticks. Srsly. I hadn't had a fish stick since 1983. But whatever, it worked. 2- DH came home late as hell. I'm not going to go into detail, 'cause it's all just too stupid to believe, but *duh duh duuuuh* MIL & FIL are beefing. And I mean like, someone brought up the Big D Word beef. So DH was up until midnight having the stupidest conversation ever with SIL, who is on Defcon 4 about this whole thing. I swear I tried to go to sleep, but DH is loud. Anyway, after review with DH until 1 in the gaadamn morning, I've deduced that everyone is being overly dramatic and crazy, including him. No one is getting a divorce, nothing divorce-worthy has happened. But maybe, just maybe, having FIL & MIL live 800 miles away from each other 9 months of the year is having an ill effect on their marriage. WHAT A NOVEL CONCEPT!! And maybe if everyone would stop being so caught up in their own wittle hurt feelings and act like grown ups, a normal solution will present itself. All that's to say, I'm in class today, but damned if I'm going to do much more than passively listen. I'm wore the hell out.