Wedding Woes

From Hooka's favorite spot..

So I've been working in my company and befriended this guy for the last 5 years or so. He asked me out a few times in the beggining, i said no, things were weird, then we got passed it and we were cool. Like friends cool. He's the only one in my company who looked like me and was in an office (if that makes sense) so we became really good friends, hanging out, he'd sometimes help me if my car has a problem, I'd help him with his dates, connecting our circles of friends and famiies, working out, etc. Well last October or so, he told me he was getting married in 2 weeks. I thought it was kind of fast but was happy for him because i know he wanted to settle down and have a family. I helped the girl move for DC to Philly, help organized the quickie wedding, tried to make her feel at home since she doesn't know anyone here. We were all hoping the group would just get bigger, like big happy family, but nooooooo So the girl resents/hates me i don't know why. She was mean to me and i kept trying for my friend until she called me at 6 AM on a sunday morning to let me know she doesn't want me to talk to her husband outside of work. huh? Many other petty things happened and i said i was done with both of them. I felt bad because i was giving up on the friendship but it seemed like the right thing to do. He wasn't doing anything to make the situation better and she was crazier by the hour. I can't risk her going crazy on my azz at a work function and jeapordize all i've done at my company and move from the smart reliable woman to the crazy black girl. She called me again when i was in London few weeks ago at 5 AM. (hadn't spoken to her husband in months) to call me a biitch and hang up. huh? He (friend) emailed me yesterday for a work project and i answered 5 words max (only convo in months.) So today. I just got off the phone with FI and i am boiling. She called him at 4 AM his time to tell him to keep me off her husband.(she's never met him or spoken to him and i don't know how she got the home number in London) He told her that she can't control who her husband talk to and as a man, she needs to give him breathing room. Also if your kid bullies other kids in school, you don't go to the other kids and tell them to get out of your kid's way but discipline your kid at home so he understand what he's doing wrong lol (yep, that's my fi) In his unfailling calm way, he tried to reason with her. Me? I am about to go off and cut somebody I can't fight if she comes at me so i am going to go the legal route and stop her there. Fi thinks i should let it go but she is not showing any sign of stopping. I Can't believe this crazy ish is happening... She has her man and 1 month old baby and i gave up on the friendship and don't talk to him AT ALL. what else does she want? Maybe she has too much time on her hand. This sounds stupid, like dramas in bad acted movies and i want it to stop. So will restraining order also prevent her from calling me or my FI? Talk to me ladies. PS: FI thinks the whole thing is funny, but i don't. PS:PS: I love my FI
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