Wedding Woes

I confess...

that my H was a beebee groom.  he demanded orange roses (real, not frosting, thank god) on our cake.  i let him have his way.
The world's greatest bumper sticker: "No, you can't have my rights. I'm still using them."

Re: I confess...

  • angel, you clearly have not lurked here long enough to know how i feel about new posts that could have been posted elsewhere.
  • I confess your ticker gives me fits.
  • apologies, hmo.  the original confessions post turned into a debate on religion.  i thought that might excuse the new post?  if not, i'll take my newbie lashings.
    The world's greatest bumper sticker: "No, you can't have my rights. I'm still using them."
  • Angel, don't feel bad. We had a bride's cake and a groom's cake. Beebee H had a 3 tier cake. Yes 3 TIERS!
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