Wedding Woes


You only come out when we specifically ask you to. We just had fascinating conversations about Under1000, and KA mixers, and there's one on nipple clamps that's just getting started. JOIN IN!!


  • Oh yeah.  They can't talk about catholicism but please join in on the STF fun?  lol
  • I'm not going near the STF post on my work computer. I happen to like being employed here. :)
  • Sorry! Don't have a KA mixer and I'm trying to keep H from getting killed by a neighbor. They exchanged looks as the neighbor almost ran H over cutting through the condo parking lot and then he started yelling 'don't be a fool' at H. He wants to talk to the guy now and left the condo when I wasn't looking. Men!
  • That's not "men". That's "dumbfucks". HTH!
  • That's true! Turns out he walked two blocks to 7-11 for a coffee. Thanks for letting me know you were going to the store and not to 'talk it out' with the neighbor. I had 9 and 1 pressed on the phone, ready to go. Thanks, really.
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