Wedding Woes

Note to self

DH takes money very seriously.  We have been living on my salary alone for a few months.  I have maintained paying everything including daycare and all of our savings.  I had to pay a new enrollment fee and a physical for 6let and I paid cash for groceries this week.I made a comment that we were poor right now. By poor I meant- no bills are due, we have cash in our pockets, but we have less than $100 in our checking account to last until THURSDAY.DH flipped.  I need to just keep him out of the finances right now.

Re: Note to self

  • ha!  dh does this to me all the time.  he used to say, "we are out of money" which means: we have spent our allotted money for the week.  we can "borrow" from next week's budget, but this is a bad habit to get into.i take it to mean: run to hillbilly housewife!  start drinking reconstituted dry milk!  eat beans!  sell home furnishings and makeup on craigslist!  maybe sell the car!
  • We have VERY different ideas about what the minimum amount in a checking account should be.
  • We're the same way. If FI were in charge of finances we'd have literally nothing and he'd be all, "sorry your card was declined for credit at the gas station, I meant to tell you we're out" and I tell him "no superfluous spending" LONG before that could ever be an issue.
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