Wedding Woes


Guess who could possibly be in Missouri next month for a few days? Me! If the weather isn't sucky, would it be possible for me to see you for maybe lunch? Pweeeeeeeeease?! I'll have a day to myself, so I don't mind the drive.
"I would be sad if sex was only about the climax, lame." Someone who is obviously doing it wrong

Re: Varuna!

  • Sure, we could probably meet halfway in Clinton or something.  Not a lot of great places to eat, but not so far to drive either.Yay!!!
  • Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyys. Ok. I dont' recall there being much in Clinton beyond fast food, but that's ok.
    "I would be sad if sex was only about the climax, lame." Someone who is obviously doing it wrong
  • I think there's a family style restaurant, Country Kitchen, there.  And I think there's an Applebees or some other chain right off the main street with McD's and such.I'll keep looking.  Are you going to be in KC?  B/c I could also come up and visit fam for a few days.  KC is always fun.  We could go to my BFF's bar on top of the Westin too.  Oooo, he makes DELICIOUS drinks.  That might be close to his bar competition that I'm suppose to go to as well.  Basically, let me know dates when you know and we'll see what we can work out!
  • Yes, I'll be in KC. Let me get with the powers that be and ask them to pin down some dates for me. Squeeeeeee!
    "I would be sad if sex was only about the climax, lame." Someone who is obviously doing it wrong
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