Wedding Woes


So, I have this ex-friend that doesn't realize he's an ex-friend, b/c he's an idiot.  Part of the friendship ended b/c of his behavior post divorce and his behavior while engaged and then the new marriage.Anyway, he kept his marriage on the DL.  I wouldn't say it was "secret" but only about 5 people knew about it and 2 of them were the bride and groom.  This was back in like February that I found out they were married, maybe even earlier.MFer just e-mailed wanting our address to invite us to his wedding reception on November 28.  Side eye straight to hell on that one.

Re: O, RLY?

  • "Thank you, that won't be neccessary.  We'll be out of town, down with the flu, cleaning the attic, washing our hair, etc..., Please feel free to enjoy yourselves without us.  Best wishes."That last part is meant to save postage on sending a card later.
  • maybe the bride wanted to keep it on the dl (out of shame for being married to this dude).
  • But just because they chose to have a super-secret wedding almost a year ago doesn't mean they shouldn't get presents!!!
  • I'm suspecting that the bride is the motivator behind this, but groom is giving her what she wants.  He's always been an idiot and I imagine he's taken some heat from other friends and family (I know of at least one that was PISSED about it).  He had kept the engagement a secret too, I basically found out oh, they are engaged and I know that b/c they got married this weekend, from a third party.But really.  4 weeks out from a holiday weekend for a wedding that you specifically told people you get secret b/c you didn't want a big deal?  Too bad you didn't ask the bride since it was her first (and I don't imagine her only wedding).Oh, I have some stories on this couple anyway.  Time for a new post!
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