So one of the clubs I'm in is part of an international organization. In November 2010, the Kentucky chapters have to team up to host a big regional conference, so there is mucho planning going on right now and a million details to work out. But what do I keep getting e-mails on? The fact that I need to buy a tuxedo shirt and a bowtie to wear as a uniform during the conference as a host state helper bee. I am refusing to buy it until a few months before at the very earliest. But I keep getting e-mails, "Do you have your shirt yet? Buy your shirts today! We will kill you if you show up without your shirt!" I know there are some people that would show up claiming that they never heard about this requirement if they don't start the reminders early, but this is overkill. Also, I am delaying with the hopes that a meteor will fall on the conference center and I won't ever have to be seen in a tuxedo shirt and bowtie.

I just a friendly gal looking for options.