Wedding Woes

Re: HA!

  • Awwww. Is that a Great Pyrenese?
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  • Yeah, doesn't he just look like a huge baby?
  • Yes, and also that he wants me to come and snuggle his face off. What kind of dog are you looking for? Do you have any local rescues that might have dogs fostered? Are you planning on introducing Hank to the dog before you take them home? I know you said you guys were busy, but maybe you could arrange the foster parents to bring the dog(s) to your home and see how they mix/how you like them. It's one thing to love a dog on paper/pictures, but bringing it into your home is a good way to get an actual feel for their personality. We had about 6 dogs brought over to our house before we found Spike. Our main concern was our cats and how the dogs would do around them, but it gave us a chance to guage temperment, energy level, etc.
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  • 1.  There are no specific lab fosters around here.  The closest is Chicago-4.5 hours away.  They don't adopt out of the chicago area.  Boo.2.  We would consider Hank first, us 2nd.  We are currently looking up to 100 miles away, but Labs are in short supply, especially the "good" ones on paper.What else?  Hmmm.  I can't remember.
  • So you are looking for Labs? Hm, that's too bad and surprising that the closest one is in CHI. We have a local chapter, let me check them out for you and see if they adopt out of state.
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  • We would have to travel to that state to adopt and that's just not in our plan.  We tried Heartland Lab Rescue out of OK and misunderstood that they would do an inhome inspection with a choice of dog.  I'm really surprised there is no lab rescue closer, but labs around here are used for hunting and really popular, so it's often you don't see many in the shelters.
  • Nope. Not outside of IN. Well sheet, I'm not sure what to tell you. Some shelters will let you bring your dog and take the dog you're interested in to a play faciility, to see how they do together. That might be your best bet.
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  • The problem is really just the time constraint.  Not on me, but on H.  His job is kinda fucktarded in the fact that they will screw with you if you ask for more vacay.
  • Is your local shelter closed in the evenings? Here they usually have one late night per week, to accomodate people who can't come on weekends. Other than that, you might just have to go take one from someone's yard ;)
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  • There is one that stays open until 6 monday-tuesday, thurs-fri.  And the other stays open until 5.  Whee.  Thanks people.
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