Remember how, when I reviewed Scre4m (, I said I wanted to rewatch the original and see if it was as crappy as this latest instalment?
Well, I did, and it wasn't.
Granted, it's no masterpiece of film (what horror movie is? side note: if you say Saw, I'm using the block function on you), but it was a genuinely good horror movie. There are still, even 16 years later, scenes that give me the chills, like the one where the two killers are stabbing each other to make their alibis look real. And seriously, the casting was outstanding - even without ever having seen this movie, I'm pretty sure I'd cross the street and grab the knife in my purse if I saw Matthew Lillard or Skeet Ulrich walking down the sidewalk, because they're just naturally terrifying. On that note, props to Jamie Kennedy's character for pointing that out for me, so for once I didn't have to talk to the people in the magic box.
Even aside from any of this, it was just fun in a way that the sequels weren't. Maybe it was as pointless as Scre4m, and maybe it wasn't, but the important thing is, the horror didn't
feel contrived and flimsy, and that's what's important.
So to sum up, unlike Ally McBeal, this one actually held up from undergrad.