On FB my status read: sarack just finished a project that I'm really proud of. Fam & Friends, keep those rsvps comin! (I think most of you have replied by now

Then one of FI's old friends asked when the big day was and told us congradulations.
I responded with the date and thank you.
Then my grandma's exhusband who I know as grandpa says "How many years have you two been going together and what prompted you to get married now?"
That response really bugs me. First off, he wrote on my FB a while ago when he received our invitation that July is a long time from now so he needs to check his schedule. He has always been so kind that I just can't imagine this.. I haven't seen him in a while so maybe he is just getting old and mean. I don't know.. If you don't wanna come to our wedding, reply that you DON"T WANT TO EFFING COME!
UGH! I read the response to FI and asked what I should say back and he said I didn't need to respond to that. I did anyway. UGH!
Am I reading too much into the couple of comments he's left me lately?