
Stress breakout and "is this tacky?" questions

Well, the wedding is 2 days away and I have a total stress-related breakout on my face. I am open to anyone's ideas for clearing my skin quickly.

Also, is it completely tacky to bring tupperware to the reception and take home leftovers? I mean, we paid for it! (Obviously we wouldn't do the dishing up and saving and it would be after the guests had departed...)

Thanks gals! (OMG. 2 DAYS!)

Re: Stress breakout and "is this tacky?" questions

  • edited December 2011
    stop stressing. its your reception, you paid for it.. do you care what otherpeople think? we wouldn't have known if you brought tupperware... haha. what do your caterers think?
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  • jennlinjennlin member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    i would talk with your caterer about taking food home options....plated? then they will probably let you take it home (mine even boxed it for us).. if it's buffet, even if there's left overs, they won't let you take it. my venue, and a couple other places i had visited said they donate it to shelters, etc at the end of the night (i don't believe them, i think the staff takes it, but every single place had the same excuse)...

    as for the breakout? use toothpaste..the white kind, not the gel kind.. rub it in lightly (just so it won't smear onto your pillow) let it sit overnight..it'll dry it out, then scrub scrub scrub the next morning. then lots of makeup :)
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    who says you can only wear your wedding dress once?

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  • edited December 2011
    I would hope they would box it? As for your skin... all I can say is clense and try to wear as little make up on it till your wedding, dont pick at it, and try to relax. my step dad is a dermatologist and thats the adivce he gives me when there is a time crunch. Hope it all goes well and congrats!
  • edited December 2011
    Skin - definitely don't wear ANY makeup on it if possible, then I would try PPs advice.

    Food - talk to your caterer. Often, the bride and groom don't really get enough to eat and you'll be hungry later that night!!
    Daisypath Vacation tickers
  • apnk2005apnk2005 member
    edited December 2011
    We actually bought take home containers and the DJ made an announcement that people could pack up leftovers if they wanted...that's what our caterer recommended.  =)  Nobody cared, and a lot of people were actually pretty excited to take home leftovers (although, we had a lot of starving students at our wedding, which may have made a difference...).
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • amandaswamandasw member
    edited December 2011
    break out - I use a daily exfoliant from Laura Mercier (Nordstroms).  Also, you want to get a mask to put on the bad spots that will really dry it out.  Never heard of the toothpaste, sounds cool!  But probably does something to dry them up. 

    food - depends.  some caterers will not let you take extra home - a couple places said it was because they don't want to be held liable for food poisoning (ie if people leave it in there car and get sick, esp after a buffet because it's already been out for a while).  just ask them.  if they do let you take it home, they might be set up to do that for you.
  • edited December 2011
    I have no tips on skin.  For food...definitely ask your caterer.  Each caterer seems to have their own policy.  Ours specifically told us to bring containers and they would pack all of the buffet leftovers for us.  
  • dreamwindsdreamwinds member
    edited December 2011
    Some caterers and venues will not let you take food home due to liabilities. Our venue is one of them.

    There are other options, in case there is too much food for even you and your guests to take home to eat in time. A lot of local food banks and soup kitchens accept the excess food from weddings.
    imageLilypie Maternity tickers
  • edited December 2011
    I just bought a ZENO hotspot (about $40) and I've seen results! You can use it every 4 hours if you need to! :) Good luck!  
  • edited December 2011

    Same as PPs - the caterers have different policies. Check with yours. If they are okay with you bringing tupperware to take it home, I don't think that's bad at all. Of course I would see if the caterers would be willing to do the boxing behind the scenes for you so you don't get pulled from the party. I know that I absolutely need a meal boxed for me because I am among the world's slowest eaters and I know I won't have enough time to eat. 

    But, a lot of the caterers really will donate the food. There are programs out there where caterers, schools (like UPS), and such will ensure food safety and donate it to specific shelters. Sure, some of the staff might have something to eat but I'm totally okay with them eating leftovers. I remember when I was working food service - I was broke, hungry, and all of that food looked so good.

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