Wedding Woes


Sally Draper, y'all. That b1tch was made in her mother's image. The "are you going to make yourself cry" line was so very Heathers. I loved it.

Betty with the cool-whip made me laugh. She was free-basing sugar.

Roger, oh Roger. He has the best lines. Poor Jane. She let him do it, though.

"I don't think of you at all" was AWESOME!



  • Betty needs to get over it all. She left Don (not without reason, but she left him). He moved on and she can't handle him being happy with skinny Megan. I loved her Thanksgiving plate.

    Sally - you nailed it. Totally her mom's daughter.

    Ginsberg is brilliant but annoys me.
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I didn't watch until last night.  There were a lot of great elevator conversations last night.

    But what is Snoball?  I was thinking it was some sort of Little Debby thing at first.


    I just a friendly gal looking for options.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited May 2012
    I thought a snoball was one of those pink dome thingies.

    I watched the Inside the Actor's Studio with the cast of Mad Men. The girl who plays Sally did some ballet - it was super cute.
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