DH has had a messed up toe for awhile now. It's been annoying and he finally went to see his foot doctor about it again.
This dude is a QUACK. He busts out with, You have early onset arthritis (that he apparently missed in the x-ray, what!), and your big toe is too long, so I need to go in and shave and reshape the bone and joint. I can schedule surgery this Tuesday.
Um, doctor needs a boat for the summer, what?!?!?!? No. Way. DH agrees whole-heartedly and we set out for 2nd opinion.
One good thing about my job is connections in the healthcare field are even better than connections in the legal field. We get recommended to another doc. She was awesome. She's poking around on DH's feet, explaining what she's doing the entire time, asking questions, makes him walk around. Seriously, it looked like 1) he was getting a nice foot massage and 2) took nearly 40 minutes for her to finally give her all important opinion.
He's walking around. She stares at his feet, pinches her face and says ominously, I think I know what the problem is. C'mere. He stands on a piece of paper, she draws around his feet and grabs his shoes,putting them on the piece of paper. Yep, Yep. She stands up and announces, Your shoes are too small.
He did have an original injury. The swelling for that injury exacerbated the "shoes too small" problem and has led to chronic bursitis. At least 2 new pairs of shoes, in at least 1/2 to whole size larger, with recommended brands and one specific pair of sneakers. So, DH is getting new shoes. She says he should be totally out of pain and back to his running and martial arts in 6 weeks.
*For Hooka* He has been walking around singing, "New shoes, new shoes, new shoes, ne-ew-ew-ew shoes!" 3rd season (and last) starting soon!
When we left I pointed out that I had been right for years and his damn feet were stretching out my socks when he tried to use them and sneak it past me. Which is gross anyway.
The end.