Wedding Woes

completely off topic for the day...I need a brilliant mother's day gift idea for my mom

She's basically no longer collecting the easy 'go to' gift.
And I don't want to get her a plant/flowers.
And she and clothes are a challenge.
Buffy and I will make her something, but, eh that's not a 'real' gift.

(MIL is likely getting this:

Re: completely off topic for the day...I need a brilliant mother's day gift idea for my mom

  • Making something is most definately a real gift, especially on mother's day.  She is morally obligated to love whatever you make for her.

    What about a batch of cookies delievered to her every month for a year?  You can make up a card awarding her membership in the GBCK & Buffy cookie of the month club.


    I just a friendly gal looking for options.

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  • GBCKGBCK member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    I'm listing that in my head for father's day zsa, mom and food have...issues.
    And she's still having some weird aversions and stuff post-chemo.
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