Wedding Woes

Min, bring your skinny ass here

What the what at BB!?!?!!?!??!!

Skyler (WTF at the name, btw) fvcked TED?!  Not that you couldn't see that coming from a mile away.

Jesse needs something ... more than cooking meth.  Dear Writers, please let something interesting happen to Jesse.  Kthxbai.

Wow at Walter just moving his ass right back in.  Way to force the situation and drive your wife to cheat.  And from the teasers for next week's episode, they fvck a lot.

Walter with the baby just looks odd/creepy/uncomfortable.  I also like that the baby is in an affordable car seat - not some big tv show budget snooty car seat.

IDK - I could go on and on.  Sr. Guacamole in the wheelchair cracks my schit up.

Re: Min, bring your skinny ass here

  • edited December 2011
    Yeah, Skyler is a skank face and I saw that coming too. She was bound to do something to get back at Walt. She is really full of rage. Her lawyer bothers me.

    Did you know Jesse's character was originally only slated to be in a few episodes? I think they are struggling with what to do with him. At least he is cooking again. he cooking alone or with Walt? Because the blue stuff is hitting the streets again and I didn't know Jesse knew how to cook that stuff.

    I LOVE that Walt just breezed back in. He called her bluff. Can I just say I have ben craving a grilled cheese since I watched this on Sunday.

    The cousins scare the pee out of me. They are awesome. And ded, ded, dedder than ded @ Sr. Guacamole.
  • nicoleg1982nicoleg1982 member
    edited December 2011
    The cousins are terrifying, but also sexy in a way.  I think it's the suits. 

    Walt Jr. is really the wrench in the monkey business.  

    The lawyer bothers me, too.

    And cheating =/= cooking meth - obviously Walt was doing something wrong to benefit his family.  Cheating is not benefiting anyone, aside from Skyler.  And from the looks of Ted, the sex can't be *that* great.  Plus, isn't she helping "cook the books" for Ted?  Tsk, tsk. 

    I wonder if the BIL is going to get canned or if his partner's going to rat him out.  And where is the SIL?  I didn't see her the entire episode.
  • edited December 2011
    I like the cousin's boots. You know they've kicked in someone's head.

    Walt Jr is awesome. I can't wait until he calls Skyler a beotch to her face. You know that is coming.

    Yeah, the contradiction of keeping Ted's secret and constantly threatening to rat out Walt is really pissing me off re: Skyler. I really don't like her, but I guess you're not supposed to. Ted sex has to be the most vanilla sex evar.

    The SIL wasn't in this episode. And that is fine with me. BIL doesn't do anything for me either. He is gross. However, at least he contributes to the story line.

    This episdoe gave us a lot of information and not a lot of action. How many times are we going to have to see Walt in his tighty whities?
  • nicoleg1982nicoleg1982 member
    edited December 2011
    re: tighty whities, IDK.  But we could stop with that already IMO.  Why isn't Jesse ever running around in tighty whities?  THAT is the question.
  • edited December 2011
    Exactly! Let's see Jesse in his skivvies, not laying around in a sleeping  bag.

    I really like that house of his. Better than the New Mexico mess that Walt and Skyler have going on.

    Also - I love how Walt lais out that HUGE bag of cash to catch Skyler. He knew THAT would get her attention. Big bags 'o' money = lady traps.
  • nicoleg1982nicoleg1982 member
    edited December 2011
    Oh I covet Jesse's house.  So nice.  He needs some damn furniture though.

    Bag o' cash has been catchin' ladies since the dawn of time.  
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