Wedding Woes

Pepsi Next

I signed up for the Buzz Agent Pepsi Next campaign.  Normally the food campaigns just load a coupon onto your grocery card, but they sent me a box in the mail...with a can of soda in it.  Hee!  It reminded me of my friend in college who fell in love with this girl at another school.  The only thing he knew about her (other than that he loved her) was that she liked Diet Coke.  So he bought a case of Diet Coke and paid something like $50 to ship it to her.   They got married about a year later.  So I guess it worked. 

Anywhoo...Pepsi Next.  It's semi-diet.  60% fewer calories than regular Pepsi, 60 calories per can and 15g of sugar.  I am not a fan of Diet Pepsi so I was curious to see how this fared.  I do like this a lot better than diet, and I don't taste the aspartame as much.  So I think this is a good compromise.  Water is a better compromise, but for a treat I give this a thumbs up.

I just a friendly gal looking for options.

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