Wedding Woes

Last night's LOST

Well, we said we wanted to see Desmond again, I guess. 

Quite the theme last night, with Daddies everywhere protecting their daughters from pesty pekers. 

Naturally, I have all the same questions you guys do, I guess. Where's Penny? Why is Jin working for Mr. Paik if he's not married to Sun?  Sun really doesn't speak English in Sideways World? 'Cause she could have fooled me at the airport. 

Keamy's still alive?!  Tell me he doesn't survive. Please. He died in the original timeline, and the theme seems to be that things tend to follow in parallel quite a bit. (Though Alex is alive in SW.)

Also, I totally called the writing thing.  Again, I should have gone to med school.

And LOL @ Saywer - "No, 'cause that would be ridiculous!"  HA!


Re: Last night's LOST

  • DG1DG1 member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    I'm a little confued at the Ben/Widmore issue.  If Widmore is on Team Jacob and Ben always thought he was on Team Jacob (then wasn't, now is again), then shouldn't they be working together toward the same aims?

    Also, if the only way to leave the island is with all of the remaining candidates, and Sawyer is a candidate, then how did the rest of them leave the island without him? Or is it OK since MIB didn't go with them?  So confused.

    Also YAY that Kate is no longer a candidate.  Wonder why her name wasn't scratched out on the magic mirror wheel.  I also want to know what made her lose her candidacy.

    Also, Sun didn't get pregnant in the original timeline until after she was on the island, so after the flight.  In SW, she is pregnant already on the flight.  And with Jin's baby (presumably), even though Jin had super low sperm count in the original timeline.

    Loved Jin's reaction to the photos, too.  Tough to imagine feeling such strong emotion about a child you've never seen and weren't even around for the gestation of, but then again, he's had 3 years to think about it.  I was glad they at least acknowledged that the child still exists, since Sun doesn't seem to notice/miss her at all, and no one cares that the poor child probably has no idea why her mother has abandoned her.

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