Wedding Woes

What do ladies really want for bridal shower gifts?

I'm on this chick's registry and I'm not inspired. Did you like getting things for your home or yourself more for your shower.

If you old hags can remember.

Re: What do ladies really want for bridal shower gifts?

  • I am a home stuff kind of girl myself. But I view it as something for me too, I enjoy cooking/baking/etc. so fun stuff to do that with is always good.
  • The people that really knew me did fine going off registry for things for the home.  Otherwise I preferred registry stuff. 

  • If it's a question of buying from the registry or getting something else, I preferred registry stuff.
  • Registry stuff.  Sorry that it's not a creative answer.
  • Yep, registry or gift cards.  Hopefully they didn't register for stuff they didn't want.


    I just a friendly gal looking for options.

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Definitely registry stuff - the few items I got that weren't from my registry were not useful at all and DH and I haven't even found a use for them.
  • edited January 2013
    She doesn't have a ton of things on them probably because they both own homes. I already know how you chicks feel about lingerie.:)
  • I usually go with what they have and add to it, the last shower I went to had a oil bottle, so I also bought a bottle of good olive oil.  I put it in a basket along with a heart shaped pancake mold (that was also on the registry), and added mix and a spatula.  Stuff some towels in and your good. 
  • I guess I don't mind, just so long as there is a gift receipt. I like to get baking items and then throw in a cute spatula and a cookbook (like one about cookies or whatever).
  • I was going to get something off of her registry for the wedding present.
  • If you will be doing both, I would give a registry gift for the shower and then money for the wedding.
  • Peg, that's a good idea.
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:47Discussion:36028293-8249-438a-ba02-dc1ed7718759Post:a4aff38a-cd5e-4bef-a498-95dc6ca46979">Re: What do ladies really want for bridal shower gifts?</a>:
    [QUOTE]If you will be doing both, I would give a registry gift for the shower and then money for the wedding.
    Posted by pegasuskat[/QUOTE]

    I agree!
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