Wedding Woes

A Wedding Nightmare!

I didn't go shopping for my wedding dress until the day of my wedding and ended up wearing a hand-me-down, bizarre looking nightie thing!

I tried to do my own hair and it looked crusty and over curled, hair-sprayed, and limp!

I was late to the ceremony!

I didn't lose any weight before my BIG day...

I had to take a school bus to the ceremony and got lost on the way there.

Nobody I invited showed up!

My table centerpieces were these atrocious weaved baskets with dry sugar cookies. UGGH!

I woke up and said, "Baby!!" and my fiancee was like "What's wrong?!" 

"I just had the worst wedding was horrible!!!"

Has anyone else had really bizarre dreams about their upcoming nuptials??
This bride-to-be stuff is fun! sometimes...

Re: A Wedding Nightmare!

  • Yep.  And like that dream where you have a final exam for a class you forgot to take all semester, it never goes away, no matter how long you've been married.
  • Yup, it's weird how the brain works while we're sleeping.

    I had a dream last night that we had a gecko named Freckles.  weird.
  • I had a dream I somehow was going to end up with 4 babies in january, just carrying and birthing them one at a time between now and then. Don't think it is likely.
  • i might have, but i can't remember any. they are just dreams. actually, i think i had one a few months after my wedding.
  • shia labeouf was in my dream/nightmare on monday night.  i woke up all sweaty and freaked out.  NO QUIERO.
  • I come from a very judgey Catholic family, and I always have nightmares about getting pregnant before we get married. That and the old, oh it's my wedding, let's go look for dresses, but everything sucks.

    Previously Alaynajuliana

  • I had a nightmare that my caterer told me that they didn't make any food. I decided to ask all my guests to contribute to a potluck, but that it needed to be soup.  Then, of course, the soup spilled everywhere.  That's been my strangest one yet, but I've also had the one about no guests showing up because I forgot to send out invites until the day before. Ugh. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker image
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:47Discussion:3b475670-5443-47b7-a4b7-b4a55af7c8eaPost:3e4013cf-d82f-4930-96bd-0d92d09c4046">Re: A Wedding Nightmare!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I had a nightmare that my caterer told me that they didn't make any food. I decided to ask all my guests to contribute to a potluck, but that it needed to be soup.  Then, of course, the soup spilled everywhere.  That's been my strangest one yet, but I've also had the one about no guests showing up because I forgot to send out invites until the day before. Ugh. 
    Posted by Ayntastic[/QUOTE]

    Okay, so I'm not the only one!  I think maybe because I'm having a desitation-ish wedding that I'm worried more than I would be if I were having it at home.  A potluck reception would certainly save on the catering bill! Just stay away from the soup!! LOL

    How do you get your timeline with the amount of days until your wedding to show up in your posts?
    This bride-to-be stuff is fun! sometimes...
  • desitation = destination

    This bride-to-be stuff is fun! sometimes...
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