I was so disappointed.
I love me some Hurley, and I was glad for the Libby hookup, but Libby sure was annoying, wasn't she?
And how obvious was it that whatsherface would get blown up by the dynamite?
Also from tales of the obvious - Flocke throwing Desmond down the well.
More obvious: Desmond didn't die. Heck. We knew from the torch drop that the well wasn't all that deep.
And if everyone ends up hooking up with their "soulmate" in both timelines (jin/sun, desmond/penny, charlie/claire, hurley/libby), then what's with Sawyer and Charlotte in Sideways world? Shouldn't he be with Juliet? And Jack has no one?
And when Arzt was talking to Hurley on the sideways plane, didn't he say that hurley had won the lottery? That didn't seem obvious last night - seemed like Hurley had worked his way up from chicken fryer to chicken magnate and that's how he got rich.
The only interesting thing was Michael's admitting that he's stuck on the island as some kind of eternal purgatory (or hell?). And boo on him for telling Hurley to tell Libby he's sorry but not apologizing to Hurley directly.
Finally, Desmond is creeping me out in Island Land and Sideways Land. I kindof like it.

I'm sure I'm missing stuff. There weren't even any really good one-liners last night.