Wedding Woes

Seriously PMeg

You stole my wedding date and my honeymoon.   WTF?

P.S.  Any anniversary plans yet?  I think we're going to hit up one of our favorite restaurants downtown.  

Re: Seriously PMeg

  • Ew. You stole my wedding and honeymoon. Thunderjacker.

    No plans. DH is going out of town on a hunting trip a few weeks later, and I'm trying to get my work visits scheduled for a 1 1/2 week period of time. I'd like to do something but it depends on who can watch DS. I hate leaving him with FIL.
  • We're keeping it low-key this year because DH has his annual 'man party' this weekend  and then we're OOT the next 2 weekends.  I think dinner out is going to be all we want to do.
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