Wedding Woes

More PWing - another movie I'm excited for

Or, another movie for which I am excited.

Silent Hill: Revelation

We are big fans of the Silent Hill games and the first movie was pretty good.  They did a great job keeping true to the game and I love when they don't change everything up for a movie.

Screenshot from the game:

Re: More PWing - another movie I'm excited for

  • DH and I really loved this movie/game as well and are looking forward to it.  The makers seems to be trying to keep it quality (stares at Doom, all of Resident Evil and HItMan).

    Also, side note: movie has EXCELLENT sound/surround sound on it.
  • Related:  I hate seeing all the crappy reviews for RE6 this week.  I'm really looking forward to the new game and my expectations are really high coming off RE5.  That game was awesome.

  • The Silent Hill HD Collection released earlier this year was disappionting because it had so many problems and it took 4 months to get a patch.  Once it was all resolved, though, it was very nostalgic to play.

    We haven't gotten Downpour yet because of the patch problems.
  • DH really liked those, I never really got into them. I"m really terrible at first person shooter (but isn't this new one in 3rd person, I think?) and tend to get mad and quit.  I also am not that great at the horror stuff, I can get myself whigged out really well.  :D

    I'm stoked for Assassin's Creed.  I have it pre-ordered, but it's DH's bday present, so I have to not open it for 11 days after release.

    He might get it early.  :)
  • Oh yes, we have all the Assassin's Creed games.  I haven't played them but I like to watch DH play while I'm messing around online.
  • The newest one is a female lead!  Whoot!  And she's not white, which is even more shocking.  And from pics I've seen, she's fairly normal looking (no Croft boobage).

    I'm looking forward to the new Lara Croft too.  There's enough bad/good rumours about it, I'm just ready to play.
  • tawillerstawillers member
    Ninth Anniversary 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2012
    ::nodding @ Lara Croft::

    DH has been eyeing Dishonored as well.
  • OMG that Dishonored looks AWESOME.  I know it's first person, but I'm thinking since it's more of a spell casting (not gun shooting) I might be able to handle it.  But the art alone is awesome looking.
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